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Welcome to Casa Ollin


When you stay at Casa Ollin, you get more than just a room. You get a friendly, helpful staff dedicated to making you feel at home.


Congenial hosts and interesting fellow guests are an important part of the Casa Ollin experience. Our house is your house. Please call on us if there is anything we can do to make your experience more enjoyable.




Breakfast is served is the dining room from 8:00 until 10:00 AM. Coffee is available earlier at 7:30 AM. If you or your family prefer a more simple breakfast, we always have oatmeal, eggs or cold cereal available.



Oaxaca, like many places in the world is suffering from an acute water shortage. Please be very careful with your water use. In keeping with a "green policy" we change the towels and sheets every other day. We request that you do not use the towels for cleaning off your makeup or cleaning your shoes.



There is a laundry service across the street (Mr. Klyn). 



You can purchase grocery items in the Piticó Market. It is across the street and down 3 doors. Piticó is at the far end of the building on Reforma.


Refrigerator for Guest Use

In the entry patio you will find a refrigerator. Feel free to store your snacks, drinks, leftovers, etc in the fridge.


Toilet Paper etc Disposal

For toilet paper or feminine hygiene products please use the covered receptacle by the toilet.



The closest ATM is at the HSBC bank on the other side of Llano Park.



If you would like to take a run or walk in the mornings, try the Llano Park. Many locals go there to start their day. You go out the front door, turn left, turn right again at Conzatti Park, straight ahead 2 blocks to Llano Park.

Check Out

Unless arrangements have been made in advance, the check out time is noon.

PLEASE SETTLE YOUR ACCOUNT BY 5 PM, ONE DAY PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. Please make sure that you leave your keys at the front desk before final departure.



Our team here at Ollin works very hard to make sure your stay is comfortable and enjoyable. If you have felt well taken care of, it is largely due to their eforts. One way of showing your appreciation would be to give them a good tip. If we can make a suggestion, $3 USD to $5 USD per day would show the degree of your gratitude. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will divide the gift equally among the staff.


Extra Blankets

If the weather turns cold, you can find extra blankets in the bottom drawer of the wardrobe.



If you need something from the kitchen after breakfast, please ask the staff to help you.


Quiet Time: From 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM.



If you use the pool, please ask one of the staff for a blue pool towel. 




Above all, please relax and enjoy your experience here at Ollin. If there is anything that we can do to make your stay more enjoyable, please let us know.





Karla and Ernesto

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